Q&A: What WON’T you do?

It’s a great question! And one that I feel we don’t often ask contractors. We wonder what they will do, if they can solve X problem, or provide Y service. And that’s absolutely normal and to be expected.

But on occasion, wouldn’t it be great to know what a potential contractor won’t do?

Of course, I wish I could provide each valued client, with every service they desire. But even I have limits and boundaries for one reason or another.

So, without further ado, what won’t I do?

  • Stucco repair

  • 3 story exteriors

  • Siding replacement

  • Drywall

  • Ceiling texture removal

  • Removal of mirrors, artwork, etc from walls prior to painting (please make arrangements for this)

That’s it in a nutshell!
As always, I welcome any questions and inquiries. So if you haven’t seen a service listed, or a service blacklisted, please don’t hesitate to ask!


Painting Tips: Ceilings

